How to Write Formal Letters (GCSE/IGCSE):


Many struggle when it comes to formal letter writing. It can seem really daunting at times. However, you do not need to worry, as I have written a guide on how to write them. I hope you will find this article useful. Without further ado, let's get started.


The structure of a formal letter is shown below:

To summarise;
  • Your name, address, and post code should go on the right side of your paper. Your recipient's should go to the left.
  • Address your recipient with "Dear Sir/Madam," if you don't know their name. Otherwise, if you know their name, start with "Dear [Name]". You can also address them with their title.
  • When you end your letter, use "Yours faithfully" when you don't know their name. On the other hand, use "Yours sincerely" if you do know the name.


PROMPT: You are asked to write a letter to your headmaster, to reply to his message where he offers you to become a prefect.

Miss Rose,
House no. #765,
Mr Evans,
The English School,

Dear Headmaster,

Thank you for your letter. Thank you for noticing my abilities in the school trip last month, and deeming me worthy of a prefect. I am honored to have the duty, and will try my best to not let you down.

Yours sincerely,
Wendy Rose


  • Do not use colloquial language, abbreviations, cunjunctions, etc.
  • You do not need to write addresses if the question asks you to start your letter with "Dear [Name]".

*Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions in the comment box below.


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